Synopsis: Xena: Warrior Princess is a hack and slash video game developed by Universal Studios Digital Arts and co-published by Electronic Arts and Universal Interactive Studios for the PlayStation in 1999. A Game Boy Color version was developed and published by Titus Interactive in 2001.
Initial release date: 1999
Mode: Single-player video game
Composers: Bill Brown, Mike Reagan
Genres: Fighting game, Action-adventure game, Hack and slash, Beat 'em up
Developers: Titus Interactive SA, Universal Interactive, Vivendi, Universal Digital Arts, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Color, Game Boy
Publishers: Blast! Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Titus Interactive SA, Universal Interactive
Xena: Warrior Princess is available to play Online. This game is in the US English version at exclusively. Play online PlayStation Games on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets in maximum quality. If you enjoy this Online Game on DUDDELAS then you will also like similar Games on DUDDELAS.